Thursday, June 16, 2011

Banking Idea: Verifying Personal Cheques.

When I write a cheque, I would like to be able to enter the amount and cheque number online before I give it to someone to deposit. The benefits of this is that I can deduct the amount from my balance immediately, and the bank can easily know that the check is authenticate. If the bank received a check that I didn't enter, it would trigger extra checks.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Compiling Cloudera CHD2 on Mac OsX

Download the src tarball.
Download patch for
Make sure you have MacPorts and zlib installed.
Untar hadoop-0.20.1+169.68.tar.gz
tar -xzf hadoop-0.20.1+169.68.tar.gz

Cd into hadoop-0.20.1+169.68
cd hadoop-0.20.1+169.68

Apply patch
cat HADOOP-3659.patch | patch -p0 

Rerun autoconf
(cd cd src/native/; autoconf)

ant compile-native

This worked for me.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

What Java Compiler Compiled this class file.

I wrote a quick perl script to determine what version of javac
was used to compile a .class file.
Its pretty simple perl code, so here it is.
Save this to a file and make it executable

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# Prints the version of the java compiler used to compile the class file.
use strict;

my %version = (
45 => "JDK 1.1",
46 => "JDK 1.2",
47 => "JDK 1.3",
48 => "JDK 1.4",
49 => "J2SE 5.0",
50 => "J2SE 6.0"

foreach my $ARG (@ARGV){
my $input = "";
open(FILE,"< $ARG") || die " Couldn't open $ARG";
read(FILE, $input,8) || die "Couldn't read 8 bytes.";

my ($cafebabe,$minor,$major) = unpack("Nnn",$input);

if($cafebabe == 0xCAFEBABE){
my $compiler = $version{$major};
if(defined $compiler){
print "$ARG: Java Compiler was $compiler minor=$minor\n";
} else {
print "$ARG: Java Compiler was UNKNOWN major=$major minor=$minor\n";
} else {
printf "$ARG: Not a java file! Magic=%x\n",$cafebabe;
